


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Called out in the dark


Sorta in the mood to blog abit. Hopped over to Bangsar the other day because shopping malls are prolly packed and again the same old stuff. And overpriced stuff is starting to get on me. What I learnt since I started earning my own money. Happily dropped by Telawi and...!Most of the boutiques were closed :( everyone's away for Chinese New Year. But I got my fav Baci anyway. So it sort off balance everything out. Just sort of.

And a sudden thought came through my mind that I haven been spending time with my girls. Everyone's busy with their work, family and etc. Cat when was the last time you talk TALK to your girls?! I know right..friendships, in fact any relationship needs to be maintained. If you're not willing to devote time and effort into it.. I guess that's what you get.

So here comes resolution twenty twelve! "to make more effort. to spend more time with the love. CASH MANAGEMENT." the last one is so crucial. I'm 21 this year (key KEY) and I want something different. THIS MUST WORK.

Happy working happy back to school happy week ahead.

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