


Friday, September 7, 2012

For as high as the heavens above, so great is the measure of our Father's love.

This white box has turned into a place where I spill (more like speed typing asiudhiaunakfvnyu) whatever random thoughts that came through my mind. A day before last semester begins, it suddenly strikes me that "this is it. this is the last time I'm going through the days of studies" perhaps I will further my studies in the future but this feels different to me. And it reminds me that I've or we have come this far. 3 years is neither short nor long, but it was definitely a challenging one. As hard as degree life gets, I realize that I'm not ready to leave my circle of friends or my study life. Yeah I'm looking forward for the challenges ahead and to sail nearer to my dream, but part of me clings on the familiarity that this campus and friends gave me. an la why so sentimental is only the first week of sem 6 -___-. With so many things going on, farewell, birthday and what not, probably no time to dive too deep into this thought.

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